Limelight errata released

A list of errata and clarifications is now being maintained for Limelight. The latest version can always be obtained from your download page, and is detailed in and this (and future) devlogs.


-Page 64:
If the collaborate die is:
-a fail (4+), or
-a success that is not the lowest value in the pool, or 
-a success that did not help create a critical success,
...after the player who placed it shifts their Loyal right to show they will increase commitment to the group, the BA chooses which stat to shift left.

-Page 64:
Flair may be spent on a collaborate die, but only by the player who placed it. They may also spend flair on the other dice in the pool where they placed the collaborate die.

-Page 66:
Additionally, accumulated noise and distortion carry over to the next performance, and any flair that remains in performance spaces is available for taking in the next performance.

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